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Writer's picturePastor Jacques Rancourt

Immeasurably More!

Good afternoon family! 

It's Thursday afternoon - and I'm sure many of you are lost in the details of your week. Salsa lost a tooth yesterday. In an effort to secure money for what she suffered through in pulling it out, she wrote a note to the tooth fairy and left it under the pillow. In the note she told the tooth fairy that she hid her tooth in the room! When it's almost midnight and you're tired and want to go to sleep, that's a very unsettling and terrifying note to find! 

Thankfully I was able to locate the tooth in her dollhouse so a disaster was avoided. But you know what she was doing, right? She was testing her own belief in the tooth fairy. Now, we've never told her explicitly the tooth fairy was real. But money does show up under her pillow every time she loses a tooth. That act grew her belief!

It made me wonder, what actions of God recently have grown your faith? Scripture is clear, God is the God of yesterday, the God of today, and the God of tomorrow. He moves. He acts. He does things in space and in time that are visible and tangible. The apostle Paul certainly believed that to be the case.

"20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. - Ephesians 3:20-21.

God is at work in you and around you. I hope you see it. I pray that you see it. It will grow your faith! 

Peace and Goodwill eh!

Pastor Jacques

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